Wednesday, 17 September 2014

History behind Google's search engine ......


The Google Search Engine

Whatever problems we may face small or large,one guy has got all the answers,and he is known as #Google.We have searched so many things on the world's best search engine,but guys have you ever wondered how this search engine works to produce the most elegant searches.Guys,we have got some info for you about the #Google's search engine.

Google's search engine is a powerful tool. Without search engines like Google, it would be practically impossible to find the information you need when you browse the Web. Like all search engines, Google uses a special algorithm to generate search results. While Google shares general facts about its algorithm, the specifics are a company secret. This helps Google remain competitive with other search engines on the Web and reduces the chance of someone finding out how to abuse the system.
As the all search engines have,Google also has automated programs Spiders or Crawlers.WHAT seperates Google from others is a large collection of keywords,which will match your searched words,and displays it.Google also follows a trade-marked algorithm for displaying results called PageRank.The thing about this algorithm is that it ranks the sites or blogs etc.

A Web page's PageRank depends on a few factors:
  • The frequency and location of keywords within the Web page: If the keyword only appears once within the body of a page, it will receive a low score for that keyword.
  • How long the Web page has existed: People create new Web pages every day, and not all of them stick around for long. Google places more value on pages with an established history.
  • The number of other Web pages that link to the page in question: Google looks at how many Web pages link to a particular site to determine its relevance.

  • Out of these three factors, the third is the most important. It's easier to understand it with an example. Let's look at a search for the terms "Samsung."the topmost results will be about Samsung phones,as the people nowadays visit more to the phone's section more than its other products.The Google's algorithm would rank the phone segment with some score,and it would increase every-time a person visits it.In this way some websites are always on the first page of Google results.In short the more links your page gets the more popular it gets or gets a vote to be displayed first.
Hope the above post has got some info into your Techie-Brains.Keep visiting and dont forget to like us on #fb,and stay updated with us by being with us .........

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